Implementing a Linked List in Swift

In this post I’ll show how to implement a Linked List in Swift. For this post there’s also a Playground version that works with Xcode 10 and above.

Linked lists are type of list with certain characteristics relating to the performance of insertion, deletion, and traversal. They are valuable when maintaining lists where reference items don’t need to be looked up by index and the performance of insertion and deletion is important. Linked list works by having each node in the list maintain a reference to the next node. Here we’ll implement what’s called a doubly linked list where each node contains a list to the previous as well.


  • 2016-07-17: Initial version in Swift 3
  • 2018-11-11: Updated for Swift 4, fixed a few bugs in the implementation. Added tests


To start of we need to implement a node container that will hold our values and the reference to the next and previous values. We’ll make it generic over the type T. Because Linked List are based on reference semantics we are going to use a class rather than a struct. We adopt CustomStringConvertible for nicer output.

import Foundation

public class Node<T> {
    typealias NodeType = Node<T>

    /// The value contained in this node
    public let value: T
    var next: NodeType? = nil
    var previous: NodeType? = nil

    public init(value: T) {
        self.value = value

extension Node: CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        get {
            return "Node(\(value))"

Note that the type of next and previous are NodeType? because it’s valid for a node to not have a next or previous node. The start node will not have a previous node and the end node will never have a next node.

The List itself

Now let’s build the initial list structure. It will have two references, the start and end nodes, a count, a isEmpty method at first. Again the start and end nodes are optional because a list can be empty, however one invariant is that a non empty list always has both a start and end node. We are making the list a class rather than a struct for reasons that’ll become apparent when we talk about copy-on-write in the end.

public final class LinkedList<T> {
    public typealias NodeType = Node<T>

    private var start: NodeType?
    private var end: NodeType?

    /// The number of elements in the list at any given time
    public private(set) var count: Int = 0

    /// Wether or not the list is empty. Returns `true` when
    /// count is 0 and `false` otherwise
    public var isEmpty: Bool {
        get {
            return count == 0

    /// Create a new LinkedList
    /// - returns: An empty LinkedList
    public init() {


    /// Create a new LinkedList with a sequence
    /// - parameter: A sequence
    /// - returns: A LinkedList containing the elements of the provided sequence
    public init<S: Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Iterator.Element == T {
        for element in elements {
            append(value: element)

This is the basic structure of our linked list. Of course we cannot do anything with it quite yet.


Let’s implement some operations so that we can actually use our linked list productively. We’ll start by implementing the basics append, remove, node(at:), and value(at:). You might think that node(at:) and value(at:) does the same thing, but as we’ll see returning the node allows us to then use the node when calling remove.


extension LinkedList {

    /// Add an element to the end of the list.
    /// - complexity: O(1)
    /// - parameter value: The value to add
    public func append(value: T) {
        let previousEnd = end
        end = NodeType(value: value)

        end?.previous = previousEnd
        previousEnd?.next = end

        if count == 0 {
            start = end

        count += 1

            (end != nil && start != nil && count >= 1) || (end == nil && start == nil && count == 0),
            "Internal invariant not upheld at the end of remove"

This is fairly straightforward. We first find the previous end node, make a new end node with the provided value and then update the next node for the previous node and the previous node for the new end node. Note that this works both for the case when there was a previousNode and when there wasn’t. There’s no need to check previousNode for nil instead we can use the ? operator.

Finding values and nodes by index

Now let’s implement node/value lookup. Let’s start with a private helper function that makes it simple to iterate over all nodes and optionally stop when we find something interesting. This will have complexity O(n) since it needs to go through all nodes in the worst case.

extension LinkedList {

    /// Utility method to iterate over all nodes in the list invoking a block
    /// for each element and stopping if the block returns a non nil `NodeType`
    /// - complexity: O(n)
    /// - parameter block: A block to invoke for each element. Return the current node
    ///                    from this block to stop iteration
    /// - throws: Rethrows any values thrown by the block
    /// - returns: The node returned by the block if the block ever returns a node otherwise `nil`
    private func iterate(block: (NodeType, Int) throws -> NodeType?) rethrows -> NodeType? {
        var node = start
        var index = 0

        while node != nil {
            let result = try block(node!, index)
            if result != nil {
                return result
            index += 1
            node = node?.next

        return nil

Now that we have our iterate function we can start using it by implementing node(at:) and value(at:)

extension LinkedList {

    /// Return the node at a given index
    /// - complexity: O(n)
    /// - parameter index: The index in the list
    /// - returns: The node at the provided index.
    public func node(at index: Int) -> NodeType {
        precondition(index >= 0 && index < count, "Index \(index) out of bounds")

        let result = iterate {
            if $1 == index {
                return $0

            return nil

        return result!

    /// Return the value at a given index
    /// - complexity: O(n)
    /// - parameter index: The index in the list
    /// - returns: The value at the provided index.
    public func value(at index: Int) -> T {
        let node = self.node(at: index)
        return node.value


Let’s now add the ability to remove values and nodes from the linked list. Here we’ll see why node(at:) is important to support fast removals.

extension LinkedList {

    /// Remove a give node from the list
    /// - complexity: O(1)
    /// - parameter node: The node to remove
    public func remove(node: NodeType) {
        let nextNode =
        let previousNode = node.previous

        if node === start && node === end {
            start = nil
            end = nil
        } else if node === start {
            start =
        } else if node === end {
            end = node.previous

        previousNode?.next = nextNode
        nextNode?.previous = previousNode = nil
        node.previous = nil

        count -= 1
            (end != nil && start != nil && count >= 1) || (end == nil && start == nil && count == 0),
            "Internal invariant not upheld at the end of remove"

    /// Remove a give node from the list at a given index
    /// - complexity: O(n)
    /// - parameter atIndex: The index of the value to remove
    public func remove(at index: Int) {
        precondition(index >= 0 && index < count, "Index \(index) out of bounds")

        // Find the node
        let result = iterate {
            if $1 == index {
                return $0
            return nil

        // Remove the node
        remove(node: result!)

As you can see here remove(at:) is O(n) because it has to first find the node at the given index before removing it while remove(node:) is only O(1) because the node is already given. An implementation of remove(value:) would also be O(n) because it would have to find the correct node in a similar way as remove(at:)

Making the list swiftier

The swift runtime provides a set of protocols that we can adopt to make instances of LikendList behave more like any of the other collections in swift.


The Sequence protocol(was SequenceType in Swift 2) allows the list to be iterated over using the construct and adds a bunch of new methods to the type. Some of these are forEach, map, and filter.

All we have to do to get all this is implement the method makeIterator that returns an iterator conforming to the IteratorProcotol. Let’s first create the iterator LinkedListIterator. A question to ask is wether the Iterator should be an iterator of T or of Node<T>. I’m opting for Node<T> here.

public struct LinkedListIterator<T>: IteratorProtocol {
    public typealias Element = Node<T>

    /// The current node in the iteration
    private var currentNode: Element?

    fileprivate init(startNode: Element?) {
        currentNode = startNode

    public mutating func next() -> LinkedListIterator.Element? {
        let node = currentNode
        currentNode = currentNode?.next

        return node

And now we conform to Sequence by implementing makeIterator

extension LinkedList: Sequence {
    public typealias Iterator = LinkedListIterator<T>

    public func makeIterator() -> LinkedList.Iterator {
        return LinkedListIterator(startNode: start)

And now we can do things like

var list = LinkedList<Int>()
list.append(value: 10)
list.append(value: 20)
list.append(value: 30)

for node in list {

let values: [Int] = {

It would be useful if LinkedList itself was equatable so we could compare instances of LinkedList<T> to other instances of LinkedList<T>. Let us implement the Equatable protocol for LinkedList. A LinkedList can only be Equatable if the values it contains are so we add this additional constraint.

extension LinkedList: Equatable where T: Equatable {
    public static func ==(lhs: LinkedList<T>, rhs: LinkedList<T>) -> Bool {
        return lhs.count == rhs.count && zip(lhs, rhs).allSatisfy { (left, right) in
            left.value == right.value

It’s also possible to implement Collection for further benefits such as subscript support. However Collections generally feature O(1) subscript behaviour and since our LinkedList is O(n) it might be confusing to do so. I’m opting to skip it

Now let’s write some test to ensure that we haven’t made any errors in the implementaiton.

import XCTTest

class LinkedListTests: XCTestCase {
    var list: LinkedList<Int>!

    override func setUp() {
        list = LinkedList((1..<6))

    func testEquatable() {
        let l1 = LinkedList((1..<6))
        let l2 = LinkedList((1..<6))

        XCTAssertEqual(l1, l2)

    func testAppend() {
        list.append(value: 6)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList(1..<7))
        XCTAssertEqual(list.count, 6)

    func testNode() {
        list.append(value: 10)

        let lastNode = list.node(at: 5)
        let middleNode = list.node(at: 3)

        XCTAssertEqual(lastNode.value, 10)
        XCTAssertEqual(middleNode.value, 4)

    func testValue() {
        let value = list.value(at: 2)

        XCTAssertEqual(value, 3)

    func testRemoveStart() {
        list.remove(at: 0)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList(2..<6))
        XCTAssertEqual(list.count, 4)

    func testRemoveEnd() {
        list.remove(at: list.count - 1)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList(1..<5))
        XCTAssertEqual(list.count, 4)

    func testRemoveMiddle() {
        list.remove(at: 2)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList([1, 2, 4, 5]))
        XCTAssertEqual(list.count, 4)

    func testRemoveNode() {
        let node = list.node(at: 3)

        list.remove(node: node)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList([1, 2, 3, 5]))
        XCTAssertEqual(list.count, 4)

    func testRemoveEndFromTwoElementList() {
        let twoElementList = LinkedList([1, 2])
        twoElementList.remove(at: 1)

        XCTAssertEqual(twoElementList, LinkedList([1]))

    func testRemoveStartFromTwoElementList() {
        let twoElementList = LinkedList([1, 2])
        twoElementList.remove(at: 0)

        XCTAssertEqual(twoElementList, LinkedList([2]))

    func testRemoveFromSingleElementLsit() {
        let singleElementList = LinkedList([1])
        singleElementList.remove(at: 0)

        XCTAssertEqual(singleElementList, LinkedList())

    func testRemoveAndThenAdd() {
        for _ in (1..<6) {
            list.remove(at: 0)

        for i in (1..<10) {
            list.append(value: i)

        XCTAssertEqual(list, LinkedList((1..<10)))


Copy on Write

Most data structures in Swift are structs, but use a method called copy-on-write(COW) to reduce the amount of copying required by only copying the data structure before writes. Let’s implement this for our LinkedList. The general idea is to create a struct that wraps our LinkedList and delegates tasks to the underlying class. When mutating methods are invoked we’ll explicitly make a copy of the underlying class and perform the actions on that copy. We also need to add a method to copy all the underlying data in our LinkedList.

extension LinkedList {
    func copy() -> LinkedList<T> {
        let newList = LinkedList<T>()

        for element in self {
            newList.append(value: element.value)

        return newList

// Typically you'd call this class `LinkedList`
// and the wrapped class `_LinkedList` or `LinkedListStorage`.
// The internal implementation would be marked private and
// this is the interface you'd expose.
public struct LinkedListCOW<T> {
    public typealias NodeType = Node<T>

    private var storage: LinkedList<T>
    private var mutableStorage: LinkedList<T> {
        mutating get {
            // Only copy if there are multiple references
            // to storage
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&storage) {
                storage = storage.copy()

            return storage

    public init() {
        storage = LinkedList()

    public init<S: Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Iterator.Element == T {
        storage = LinkedList(elements)

    public var count: Int {
        get {
            return storage.count

    public var isEmpty: Bool {
        get {
            return storage.isEmpty

    public mutating func append(value: T) {
        mutableStorage.append(value: value)

    public func node(at index: Int) -> NodeType {
        return storage.node(at: index)

    public func value(at index: Int) -> T {
        let node = self.node(at: index)
        return node.value

    public mutating func remove(node: NodeType) {
        mutableStorage.remove(node: node)

    public mutating func remove(atIndex index: Int) {
        mutableStorage.remove(at: index)

For brevity I’m skipping over implementing Sequence for LinkedListCOW. As you can see from the implementation of LinkedListCOW we simply delegate all read-only calls to the underlying LinkedList called storage. However for mutating methods(remove(node:), remove(atIndex:), and append(value:)) we use the property mutableStorage that first makes a copy for the storage for us if the storage is not uniquely referenced e.g if more than one object has a reference to it. To illustrate this let’s implement CustomStringConvertible and print the storage’s position in memory.

extension LinkedListCOW: CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        get {
            let address = Unmanaged.passUnretained(storage).toOpaque().debugDescription

            return "LinkedListCOW(storage: \(address))"

let list1 = LinkedListCOW([1, 2, 3])
var list2 = list1

print("List 1: \(list1), count: \(list1.count)")
print("List 2: \(list2), count: \(list2.count)")

let first1 = list1.node(at: 0)
let first2 = list2.node(at: 0)

print("List 1 first node: \(list1)")
print("List 2 first node: \(list2)")

print("Modify list 2")
list2.append(value: 4) // Modify list2 causes copy

print("List 1: \(list1), count: \(list1.count)")
print("List 2: \(list2), count: \(list2.count)")

As you can see here when we assign list1 to list2 we are performing a struct copy, but we are only copying the reference to the internal storage which is a very cheap operation. As long as we don’t make any modifications to list2 both structs share the same underlying storage. It’s only when we append to list2 that the copy occurs, hence copy-on-write.